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2010-05-14 19:58:15 UTC
The Controlled Demolition Of The Twin Towers Solved Their
Asbestos Abatement/Removal Problem For The jew "Lucky Larry
Silverstein". Who Remarkably, SomeHow, Still Sucks Wind
After Having Admitted On PBS TV To Having "Pulled It"!
It Being: The World Trade Center Tower #7. The Third Building
Having Been Brought Down On 09-11-01 By Controlled Demolition,
That Shocking & Awesome Day. Building 7, Whose Fall Was
Prematurely (OOOPS) Said To Have Already Occured On The BBC's
And Another Network's BroadCast "Live" TV News Program!
(Their Pre-Recorded "Live" News Programs Having Aired Too Soon!)
When, IN FACT, It, Building 7, Yet Still Stood Tall In The
Background Of The "LIVE" TV Shot Behind The BBC Reporter Who
"Seemingly Presciently" Reported: That It Had In Fact, Already
Fallen Down! OOOPS! And, It Was This Same "Lucky Larry
Silverstein", Who Went On IN FACT, To Collect Double
Indemnity From His Recently Aquired Insurance On His
Recently Acquired Twin Asbestos Albatrosses, The Twin
Towers! All Just Co-Incidence And Happenstance?
Asbestos in the WTC Towers' Destruction 'Solved' Asbestos Problem
The Twin Towers had large amounts of asbestos fireproofing
which would have necessitated costly removal had they
remained standing. The exact amount and distribution of the
asbestos in the Towers remains unclear, like other details
of the buildings' construction and history, but the evidence
suggests that the cost of its removal may have rivaled the
value of the buildings themselves.
Evidence of Asbestos
Two independent lines of evidence may help to establish the
magnitude of the asbestos problem in the Twin Towers:
analysis of samples of the dust from the Towers' collapses,
and reports about the application and removal of asbestos in
the buildings prior to their destruction.
A region of several square miles was blanketed by fine
powder resulting from the explosive collapses of the Twin
Towers. This powder, consisting of the pulverized remains of
non-metallic components and contents of the Towers,
contained significant percentages of asbestos. 1 An analysis
of dust within three days of the attack found that some of
the dust was four percent asbestos. 2 This asbestos release
may be a public health time bomb, because thousands of
people breathed dust from the collapses. It remains to be
seen how many if them will become victims of the EPA's false
assurances that the air was safe to breathe.
A report by the Arnold & Porter law firm provides some
details on the asbestos application and removal.
The WTC Towers were built from 1968 to 1972. A slurry
mixture of asbestos and cement was sprayed on as
fireproofing material. But this practice was banned by the
New York City Council in 1971. This halted the spraying, but
not before hundreds of tons of the material had been
applied. Some but not all of it was later removed in an
abatement program.
While providing no quantitative data beyond that there were
"hundreds of tons" of the asbestos-containing material, we
note that the ban went into effect near the end of the
Towers' construction, so we can assume that asbestos covered
the steel skeletons through most of the height of each of
the Towers. The High Cost of Asbestos Abatement
Asbestos is a mineral, airborne fibers of which can cause
severe and untreatable respiratory disease, with typical
latencies of several decades. The recognition of the
toxicity of asbestos has led to legislation for its survey
and removal from structures. The removal is expensive
because the removal operation must be quarantined and
subject to rigorous decontamination procedures. Removal of
asbestos used as structural fireproofing in steel framed
high-rises is complicated by the fact that the fireproofing
covers an intricate lattice of steel in the most difficult-
to-access places.
Some sense of the cost of removing the asbestos from the
Twin Towers can be obtained by the example of 55 Broad
Street. The removal of asbestos in that building cost $70
million when it was empty. That was five times the cost of
the building's construction 15 years before. 3
Another example is the 60-story Montparnasse Tower in Paris.
Experts estimate that the removal of asbestos from this
building would take three years with full evacuation, and
ten years if the building were to remain occupied during the
operation. 4
According to Eric Darton's 1999 book on the Twin Towers, the
Port Authority had planned to pump $800,000 into the Twin
Towers for a variety of improvements, the most costly of
which was asbestos abatement (not removal). 5
1. Is Ground Zero Safe? New study suggests more asbestos at
disaster site than previously revealed, MSNBC News, 10/5/01
2. Asbestos Dust Poses Threat to Rescue Crews, Boston Globe,
9/14/01 [cached]
3. Divided We Stand, Basic Books, 1999, page 208
4. Only skyscraper in Paris, popular with tourists, has
dangerous asbestos levels, AP, 3/14/05 [cached]
5. Divided We Stand, Basic Books, 1999, page 212
page last modified: 2006-08-12
A government, of Israel, by Israel, and, for: Israel.
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light:
for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. The light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not. The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee light. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Asbestos Abatement/Removal Problem For The jew "Lucky Larry
Silverstein". Who Remarkably, SomeHow, Still Sucks Wind
After Having Admitted On PBS TV To Having "Pulled It"!
It Being: The World Trade Center Tower #7. The Third Building
Having Been Brought Down On 09-11-01 By Controlled Demolition,
That Shocking & Awesome Day. Building 7, Whose Fall Was
Prematurely (OOOPS) Said To Have Already Occured On The BBC's
And Another Network's BroadCast "Live" TV News Program!
(Their Pre-Recorded "Live" News Programs Having Aired Too Soon!)
When, IN FACT, It, Building 7, Yet Still Stood Tall In The
Background Of The "LIVE" TV Shot Behind The BBC Reporter Who
"Seemingly Presciently" Reported: That It Had In Fact, Already
Fallen Down! OOOPS! And, It Was This Same "Lucky Larry
Silverstein", Who Went On IN FACT, To Collect Double
Indemnity From His Recently Aquired Insurance On His
Recently Acquired Twin Asbestos Albatrosses, The Twin
Towers! All Just Co-Incidence And Happenstance?
Asbestos in the WTC Towers' Destruction 'Solved' Asbestos Problem
The Twin Towers had large amounts of asbestos fireproofing
which would have necessitated costly removal had they
remained standing. The exact amount and distribution of the
asbestos in the Towers remains unclear, like other details
of the buildings' construction and history, but the evidence
suggests that the cost of its removal may have rivaled the
value of the buildings themselves.
Evidence of Asbestos
Two independent lines of evidence may help to establish the
magnitude of the asbestos problem in the Twin Towers:
analysis of samples of the dust from the Towers' collapses,
and reports about the application and removal of asbestos in
the buildings prior to their destruction.
A region of several square miles was blanketed by fine
powder resulting from the explosive collapses of the Twin
Towers. This powder, consisting of the pulverized remains of
non-metallic components and contents of the Towers,
contained significant percentages of asbestos. 1 An analysis
of dust within three days of the attack found that some of
the dust was four percent asbestos. 2 This asbestos release
may be a public health time bomb, because thousands of
people breathed dust from the collapses. It remains to be
seen how many if them will become victims of the EPA's false
assurances that the air was safe to breathe.
A report by the Arnold & Porter law firm provides some
details on the asbestos application and removal.
The WTC Towers were built from 1968 to 1972. A slurry
mixture of asbestos and cement was sprayed on as
fireproofing material. But this practice was banned by the
New York City Council in 1971. This halted the spraying, but
not before hundreds of tons of the material had been
applied. Some but not all of it was later removed in an
abatement program.
While providing no quantitative data beyond that there were
"hundreds of tons" of the asbestos-containing material, we
note that the ban went into effect near the end of the
Towers' construction, so we can assume that asbestos covered
the steel skeletons through most of the height of each of
the Towers. The High Cost of Asbestos Abatement
Asbestos is a mineral, airborne fibers of which can cause
severe and untreatable respiratory disease, with typical
latencies of several decades. The recognition of the
toxicity of asbestos has led to legislation for its survey
and removal from structures. The removal is expensive
because the removal operation must be quarantined and
subject to rigorous decontamination procedures. Removal of
asbestos used as structural fireproofing in steel framed
high-rises is complicated by the fact that the fireproofing
covers an intricate lattice of steel in the most difficult-
to-access places.
Some sense of the cost of removing the asbestos from the
Twin Towers can be obtained by the example of 55 Broad
Street. The removal of asbestos in that building cost $70
million when it was empty. That was five times the cost of
the building's construction 15 years before. 3
Another example is the 60-story Montparnasse Tower in Paris.
Experts estimate that the removal of asbestos from this
building would take three years with full evacuation, and
ten years if the building were to remain occupied during the
operation. 4
According to Eric Darton's 1999 book on the Twin Towers, the
Port Authority had planned to pump $800,000 into the Twin
Towers for a variety of improvements, the most costly of
which was asbestos abatement (not removal). 5
1. Is Ground Zero Safe? New study suggests more asbestos at
disaster site than previously revealed, MSNBC News, 10/5/01
2. Asbestos Dust Poses Threat to Rescue Crews, Boston Globe,
9/14/01 [cached]
3. Divided We Stand, Basic Books, 1999, page 208
4. Only skyscraper in Paris, popular with tourists, has
dangerous asbestos levels, AP, 3/14/05 [cached]
5. Divided We Stand, Basic Books, 1999, page 212
page last modified: 2006-08-12
A government, of Israel, by Israel, and, for: Israel.
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light:
for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. The light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not. The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee light. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.