My Name
2010-03-19 17:52:26 UTC
The Murderous Mossad and 9-11
Updated March 16, 2010
The Israeli Mossad murder of a commander of the military
wing of the Hamas (the democratically elected government of
Palestine) is just one more provocation by the right-wing
Zionist extremist government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Israeli provocations on the West Bank and occupied
Jerusalem are designed to foment a conflict in which the
Israelis will escalate the violence. This is an extremely
dangerous and illegal strategy which the United States and
world should use every effort to arrest and prevent.
A string of deliberate and egregious provocations by the
hard-line Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu
(and weakness or complicity on the part of the Obama
administration) has resulted in re-igniting Palestinian fury
as could be seen in the riots in Jerusalem on March 16. This
could be the start of a popular uprising against the illegal
Zionist occupation of Jerusalem.
Newspapers from the region are in agreement that Israel is
acting to escalate the conflict and foment a war in the
Israel's plan to swallow Palestine has reached a peak... its
project is to wipe Palestine from the map... an escalation
rather than a settlement is looming in the region.
- Al-Vefagh editorial (Iran)
The fresh Israeli aggression against the sanctity of the al-
Aqsa mosque, and the attacks on worshippers by the Israeli
security apparatus, represent the latest in a series of
Israeli escalations over the past few weeks... they show
that [Israel] is determined to escalate and even expand the
- Al-Quds editorial (Palestine)
The US silence shows that ongoing attempts to resume
negotiations have stalled and that those might have to wait
until after a new Palestinian intifadah or even war.
- Talal Akwal in Al-Ayyam (Palestine)
The Mossad has been at it again: The recent assassination of
a Hamas military leader in Dubai looks conclusively like the
Israelis' handiwork. No doubt, they hoped for a little more
anonymity in the aftermath--they likely didn't expect the
Dubai authorities to be quite so technologically
competent...Either we are complicit or we are not--there's
no ethical halfway zone in the matter of targeted
- Melik Kaylan, "Mossad Madness", Forbes, February 26, 2010
Dubai's Police Chief Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamim identifies
eleven of the 27 known suspects wanted in connection with
the killing of a Hamas commander, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in a
Dubai hotel room. Tamim has called on Mossad Chief Meir
Dagan to own up to his crime or deny Mossad's involvement in
the murder.
The Dubai police have provided details about the stolen
identities of the Mossad murderers and their arrival and
departure routes. Some of the killers came from and returned
to Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, and the United
States. Will the United States, Switzerland, Germany, and
the other nations involved investigate and pursue the
Israeli killers that use their nations as bases? As Melik
Kaylan says, "there's no ethical halfway zone in the matter
of targeted assassinations."
A list of 26 Israeli Mossad agents wanted for the murder in
Dubai - At least two of the suspects sought by Dubai police
for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh reportedly entered the
U.S. shortly after the crime. One of the Israeli suspects
entered the U.S. on February 14, carrying a British
passport, while the other, with an Irish passport, entered
the U.S. on January 21. Mabhouh's body was found in a Dubai
hotel room on January 20. Will the Department of Homeland
Security track down the Israeli killers in the United
There are lessons to be learned from the murder of a Hamas
leader in Dubai. The information provided about the murder
of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh by the authorities of Dubai has shown
the world that their police force is technologically
competent and professional. The detailed information
provided by the police of Dubai about the suspects involved
in the al-Mabouh murder is the result of a police
investigation using normal procedures, yet it is far
superior to any of the information provided by the FBI about
the 19 alleged terrorist hijackers of 9-11, who have been
blamed for killing some 3,000 Americans. Are the police of
Dubai that much more competent and professional than the FBI
or is there another reason why U.S. law enforcement seems so
incompetent when dealing with Israeli crimes?
The murder of al-Mabouh is, like the false-flag terror
atrocity of 9-11, evidently a crime committed by the Israeli
secret service, the Mossad. In both cases there is clear
evidence of Israeli involvement. In the Dubai murder case
the authorities have come forward with detailed information
and begun an international effort to identify and locate the
suspects. In the "non-investigation" of 9-11, on the other
hand, headed by Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff of the U.S.
Department of Justice, crucial evidence was confiscated and
destroyed while key terrorism suspects like Dominic Suter
and Kobi Alexander were allowed to flee to Israel and were
not pursued.
Michael Chertoff, son of an Israeli Mossad agent, oversaw
the non-investigation of 9-11 in which prime suspects were
allowed to flee to Israel and crucial evidence was
confiscated and destoyed.
The response by law enforcement authorities in the two cases
could hardly be more different. Unlike the police of Dubai,
when pursuing Israeli criminals the U.S. Department of
Justice and the FBI are dogs that won't bark - or hunt. Why
is that?
To understand why American Jews are willing to commit and
cover-up serious crimes, even treason, on behalf of the
state of Israel one needs to understand that most religious
Jews in America are first obliged to serve Israel - a
foreign state. American Jews are, for this reason,
conflicted. Their religion obliges them to make "aliya" and
live in Israel but most would prefer to stay in the United
States. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have chosen to
leave "the Jewish state" and now live in the United States.
While they are unwilling to leave the comfort of the United
States and immigrate to Israel (aliya), most religious Jews
in the United States feel strongly compelled to support and
defend the state of Israel.
To fulfill their obligation to the state of Israel, Zionist
Jews in America have created hundreds of organizations to
raise funds and support for the Zionist state in Palestine.
These organizations are consolidated under an umbrella
organization called the Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency and
the World Zionist Organization are two parts of the same
Zionist enterprise that operates in the United States and
around the world. The Jewish Agency was the Zionist
organization that became the state of Israel in 1948 when a
Jewish state was established in Palestine. The Jewish
Agency, then headed by David Ben Gurion, literally became
the apparatus of the Zionist state and Ben Gurion became the
first prime minister of Israel.
The Jewish Agency, headquartered in New York City after
World War II, organized and funded the Haganah, the Zionist
militia in Palestine, as well as the terrorist groups known
as the Irgun and LEHI (the Stern Gang). Using these groups,
the Jewish Agency created the Mossad LeAliyah Bet (the
Agency for Illegal Immigration) in 1938 to smuggle illegal
Jewish immigrants and weapons into Palestine. The Jewish
Agency and the Mossad worked together to bring many
thousands of Jews to Palestine - illegally - from Yemen,
Iraq, Egypt, and Europe. The Jewish Agency was the Mossad.
The Jewish Agency and the Mossad continued to work together
after the creation of the state of Israel to bring Jews to
the Zionist state. The hard-line Zionists who run Israel
today are actually fighting a losing battle with
demographics. The Arab population around them is growing
quickly while many Israelis are leaving the Jewish state.
The Israeli population has become more Russian, more
extremist, and less Western in its outlook than at any time
since the founding of the state in 1948. Ariel Sharon, the
now comatose prime minister who ran Israel in 2001, dreamed
of bringing one million Jews to Israel from the United
States. In this effort he worked closely with the Jewish
The current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is a
dangerous extremist who said 9-11 was "very good" for U.S.-
Israeli relations on the very day of the attacks. Netanyahu
has openly advocated mass expulsions of Palestinians from
the Occupied Territories. During a 1989 lecture at Bar Ilan
University, he said: "Israel should have exploited the
repression of the demonstrations in China, when world
attention focused on that country, to carry out mass
expulsions of the Arabs of the territories." Later, he
stated, "I still believe that there are opportunities to
expel many people."
Kenneth Feinberg was the Special Master of the 9-11 Victims
Compensation Fund. He alone was responsible for distributing
some $7 billion of taxpayer money to the families of the
victims of 9-11. In this he was supported by some 30 lawyers
from his law firm and his wife, Diane "Dede" Shaff Feinberg.
Diane is also an executive member of the United Israel
Appeal and the Jewish Federation of Washington. She also
happens to be a member of the Board of Governors of the
Jewish Agency - the parent organization of the Mossad.
Diane Shaff Feinberg, Governor of the Jewish Agency
The non-investigation of 9-11 was controlled by Michael
Chertoff, the son of an Israeli Mossad agent and an orthodox
rabbi. Chertoff oversaw the destruction of the thousands of
tons of steel from the World Trade Center - crucial evidence
that was shipped to Asian smelters and melted down. While
Chertoff supervised the confiscation and destruction of the
critical evidence, government appointed doctors "medicated"
the grieving relatives with mood-altering Prozac, and
Kenneth Feinberg began his war of attrition on the families
of the victims of 9-11.
As the sole person responsible for distributing the money
from the Victims Compensation Fund, Feinberg paid out nearly
$7 billion to families in compensation - if they would sign
the agreement not to sue the airlines or the Israeli airport
security firm involved in 9-11 (Huntleigh USA/ICTS). More
than 98 percent of the families accepted the money from the
Feinberg-managed fund. The amounts of the payments and the
amounts paid to Diane Feinberg and the 30 lawyers are not
known. The American people deserve to know how the funds
were used and who got paid.
Diane and Kenneth Feinberg were co-chairmen of the recent
General Assembly of the Jewish Federation, which hosted
Israeli leaders involved in terrorism.
Feinberg's actions were crucial to removing more than 98
percent of the families from the litigation process. Kenneth
Feinberg and Alvin Hellerstein have waged a war of attrition
against the 9-11 relatives. Of the thousands of families
that could have used the courts to find justice and legal
discovery for what happened on 9-11, Feinberg was successful
in removing 98 percent. Of the 96 families that chose to go
to court, all but one or two cases have settled out of court
after enduring years of obstruction in the court of Alvin K.
Hellerstein. Thanks to Feinberg and Hellerstein there may
never be a trial for a single victim of 9-11.
Alvin K. Hellerstein has obstructed justice for the 9-11
families who chose to use the courts rather than take the
fund - or the Prozac.
Kenneth Feinberg is known for wearing expensive Brioni
suits, smoking Cuban cigars, and driving his black Jaguar to
his home in Bethesda, Maryland, where he has avoided paying
taxes thanks to a few legal loopholes he knows about.
Kenneth Feinberg was the co-chair (along with his wife) of a
recent Zionist event in which Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, two prime
suspects in the Israeli terrorism of 9-11, participated.
Feinberg's role in covering up the truth about 9-11 is
connected to his relationship to the state of Israel.
Kenneth Feinberg wasn't working pro bono on the 9-11 victims
fund out of compassion for the victims of 9-11, or for
America. He was doing it to serve Israel and the murderous
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Middle Eastern anger at Israeli escalations", BBC News,
March 1, 2010
"Benjamin Netanyahu", Institute for Middle East
Understanding, September 29, 2008
Cummins, Chip, "Two Dubai Suspects Traveled to U.S." Wall
Street Journal, March 1, 2010
Feinberg, Diane and Kenneth, The Leadership of the General
Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America,
Washington D.C., November 8-10, 2009
Ford, Henry, "The Jewish Question in Current Testimony" (The
International Jew), Dearborn Independent, August 27, 1921
Gibbon, Edward, "The Conduct of the Roman Government towards
the Christians from the Reign of Nero to that of
Constantine", The History of the Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire, Strahan & Cadell, London, 1776
Kaylan, Melik, "Mossad Madness",, February 26,
Nahmias, Roee, "Dubai police to Mossad chief: Confess to
Mabhouh murder or issue denial", Ynet, February 27,
A government, of Israel, by Israel, and, for: Israel.
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light:
for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. The light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not. The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee light. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Updated March 16, 2010
The Israeli Mossad murder of a commander of the military
wing of the Hamas (the democratically elected government of
Palestine) is just one more provocation by the right-wing
Zionist extremist government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Israeli provocations on the West Bank and occupied
Jerusalem are designed to foment a conflict in which the
Israelis will escalate the violence. This is an extremely
dangerous and illegal strategy which the United States and
world should use every effort to arrest and prevent.
A string of deliberate and egregious provocations by the
hard-line Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu
(and weakness or complicity on the part of the Obama
administration) has resulted in re-igniting Palestinian fury
as could be seen in the riots in Jerusalem on March 16. This
could be the start of a popular uprising against the illegal
Zionist occupation of Jerusalem.
Newspapers from the region are in agreement that Israel is
acting to escalate the conflict and foment a war in the
Israel's plan to swallow Palestine has reached a peak... its
project is to wipe Palestine from the map... an escalation
rather than a settlement is looming in the region.
- Al-Vefagh editorial (Iran)
The fresh Israeli aggression against the sanctity of the al-
Aqsa mosque, and the attacks on worshippers by the Israeli
security apparatus, represent the latest in a series of
Israeli escalations over the past few weeks... they show
that [Israel] is determined to escalate and even expand the
- Al-Quds editorial (Palestine)
The US silence shows that ongoing attempts to resume
negotiations have stalled and that those might have to wait
until after a new Palestinian intifadah or even war.
- Talal Akwal in Al-Ayyam (Palestine)
The Mossad has been at it again: The recent assassination of
a Hamas military leader in Dubai looks conclusively like the
Israelis' handiwork. No doubt, they hoped for a little more
anonymity in the aftermath--they likely didn't expect the
Dubai authorities to be quite so technologically
competent...Either we are complicit or we are not--there's
no ethical halfway zone in the matter of targeted
- Melik Kaylan, "Mossad Madness", Forbes, February 26, 2010
Dubai's Police Chief Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamim identifies
eleven of the 27 known suspects wanted in connection with
the killing of a Hamas commander, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in a
Dubai hotel room. Tamim has called on Mossad Chief Meir
Dagan to own up to his crime or deny Mossad's involvement in
the murder.
The Dubai police have provided details about the stolen
identities of the Mossad murderers and their arrival and
departure routes. Some of the killers came from and returned
to Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, and the United
States. Will the United States, Switzerland, Germany, and
the other nations involved investigate and pursue the
Israeli killers that use their nations as bases? As Melik
Kaylan says, "there's no ethical halfway zone in the matter
of targeted assassinations."
A list of 26 Israeli Mossad agents wanted for the murder in
Dubai - At least two of the suspects sought by Dubai police
for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh reportedly entered the
U.S. shortly after the crime. One of the Israeli suspects
entered the U.S. on February 14, carrying a British
passport, while the other, with an Irish passport, entered
the U.S. on January 21. Mabhouh's body was found in a Dubai
hotel room on January 20. Will the Department of Homeland
Security track down the Israeli killers in the United
There are lessons to be learned from the murder of a Hamas
leader in Dubai. The information provided about the murder
of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh by the authorities of Dubai has shown
the world that their police force is technologically
competent and professional. The detailed information
provided by the police of Dubai about the suspects involved
in the al-Mabouh murder is the result of a police
investigation using normal procedures, yet it is far
superior to any of the information provided by the FBI about
the 19 alleged terrorist hijackers of 9-11, who have been
blamed for killing some 3,000 Americans. Are the police of
Dubai that much more competent and professional than the FBI
or is there another reason why U.S. law enforcement seems so
incompetent when dealing with Israeli crimes?
The murder of al-Mabouh is, like the false-flag terror
atrocity of 9-11, evidently a crime committed by the Israeli
secret service, the Mossad. In both cases there is clear
evidence of Israeli involvement. In the Dubai murder case
the authorities have come forward with detailed information
and begun an international effort to identify and locate the
suspects. In the "non-investigation" of 9-11, on the other
hand, headed by Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff of the U.S.
Department of Justice, crucial evidence was confiscated and
destroyed while key terrorism suspects like Dominic Suter
and Kobi Alexander were allowed to flee to Israel and were
not pursued.
Michael Chertoff, son of an Israeli Mossad agent, oversaw
the non-investigation of 9-11 in which prime suspects were
allowed to flee to Israel and crucial evidence was
confiscated and destoyed.
The response by law enforcement authorities in the two cases
could hardly be more different. Unlike the police of Dubai,
when pursuing Israeli criminals the U.S. Department of
Justice and the FBI are dogs that won't bark - or hunt. Why
is that?
To understand why American Jews are willing to commit and
cover-up serious crimes, even treason, on behalf of the
state of Israel one needs to understand that most religious
Jews in America are first obliged to serve Israel - a
foreign state. American Jews are, for this reason,
conflicted. Their religion obliges them to make "aliya" and
live in Israel but most would prefer to stay in the United
States. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have chosen to
leave "the Jewish state" and now live in the United States.
While they are unwilling to leave the comfort of the United
States and immigrate to Israel (aliya), most religious Jews
in the United States feel strongly compelled to support and
defend the state of Israel.
To fulfill their obligation to the state of Israel, Zionist
Jews in America have created hundreds of organizations to
raise funds and support for the Zionist state in Palestine.
These organizations are consolidated under an umbrella
organization called the Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency and
the World Zionist Organization are two parts of the same
Zionist enterprise that operates in the United States and
around the world. The Jewish Agency was the Zionist
organization that became the state of Israel in 1948 when a
Jewish state was established in Palestine. The Jewish
Agency, then headed by David Ben Gurion, literally became
the apparatus of the Zionist state and Ben Gurion became the
first prime minister of Israel.
The Jewish Agency, headquartered in New York City after
World War II, organized and funded the Haganah, the Zionist
militia in Palestine, as well as the terrorist groups known
as the Irgun and LEHI (the Stern Gang). Using these groups,
the Jewish Agency created the Mossad LeAliyah Bet (the
Agency for Illegal Immigration) in 1938 to smuggle illegal
Jewish immigrants and weapons into Palestine. The Jewish
Agency and the Mossad worked together to bring many
thousands of Jews to Palestine - illegally - from Yemen,
Iraq, Egypt, and Europe. The Jewish Agency was the Mossad.
The Jewish Agency and the Mossad continued to work together
after the creation of the state of Israel to bring Jews to
the Zionist state. The hard-line Zionists who run Israel
today are actually fighting a losing battle with
demographics. The Arab population around them is growing
quickly while many Israelis are leaving the Jewish state.
The Israeli population has become more Russian, more
extremist, and less Western in its outlook than at any time
since the founding of the state in 1948. Ariel Sharon, the
now comatose prime minister who ran Israel in 2001, dreamed
of bringing one million Jews to Israel from the United
States. In this effort he worked closely with the Jewish
The current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is a
dangerous extremist who said 9-11 was "very good" for U.S.-
Israeli relations on the very day of the attacks. Netanyahu
has openly advocated mass expulsions of Palestinians from
the Occupied Territories. During a 1989 lecture at Bar Ilan
University, he said: "Israel should have exploited the
repression of the demonstrations in China, when world
attention focused on that country, to carry out mass
expulsions of the Arabs of the territories." Later, he
stated, "I still believe that there are opportunities to
expel many people."
Kenneth Feinberg was the Special Master of the 9-11 Victims
Compensation Fund. He alone was responsible for distributing
some $7 billion of taxpayer money to the families of the
victims of 9-11. In this he was supported by some 30 lawyers
from his law firm and his wife, Diane "Dede" Shaff Feinberg.
Diane is also an executive member of the United Israel
Appeal and the Jewish Federation of Washington. She also
happens to be a member of the Board of Governors of the
Jewish Agency - the parent organization of the Mossad.
Diane Shaff Feinberg, Governor of the Jewish Agency
The non-investigation of 9-11 was controlled by Michael
Chertoff, the son of an Israeli Mossad agent and an orthodox
rabbi. Chertoff oversaw the destruction of the thousands of
tons of steel from the World Trade Center - crucial evidence
that was shipped to Asian smelters and melted down. While
Chertoff supervised the confiscation and destruction of the
critical evidence, government appointed doctors "medicated"
the grieving relatives with mood-altering Prozac, and
Kenneth Feinberg began his war of attrition on the families
of the victims of 9-11.
As the sole person responsible for distributing the money
from the Victims Compensation Fund, Feinberg paid out nearly
$7 billion to families in compensation - if they would sign
the agreement not to sue the airlines or the Israeli airport
security firm involved in 9-11 (Huntleigh USA/ICTS). More
than 98 percent of the families accepted the money from the
Feinberg-managed fund. The amounts of the payments and the
amounts paid to Diane Feinberg and the 30 lawyers are not
known. The American people deserve to know how the funds
were used and who got paid.
Diane and Kenneth Feinberg were co-chairmen of the recent
General Assembly of the Jewish Federation, which hosted
Israeli leaders involved in terrorism.
Feinberg's actions were crucial to removing more than 98
percent of the families from the litigation process. Kenneth
Feinberg and Alvin Hellerstein have waged a war of attrition
against the 9-11 relatives. Of the thousands of families
that could have used the courts to find justice and legal
discovery for what happened on 9-11, Feinberg was successful
in removing 98 percent. Of the 96 families that chose to go
to court, all but one or two cases have settled out of court
after enduring years of obstruction in the court of Alvin K.
Hellerstein. Thanks to Feinberg and Hellerstein there may
never be a trial for a single victim of 9-11.
Alvin K. Hellerstein has obstructed justice for the 9-11
families who chose to use the courts rather than take the
fund - or the Prozac.
Kenneth Feinberg is known for wearing expensive Brioni
suits, smoking Cuban cigars, and driving his black Jaguar to
his home in Bethesda, Maryland, where he has avoided paying
taxes thanks to a few legal loopholes he knows about.
Kenneth Feinberg was the co-chair (along with his wife) of a
recent Zionist event in which Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, two prime
suspects in the Israeli terrorism of 9-11, participated.
Feinberg's role in covering up the truth about 9-11 is
connected to his relationship to the state of Israel.
Kenneth Feinberg wasn't working pro bono on the 9-11 victims
fund out of compassion for the victims of 9-11, or for
America. He was doing it to serve Israel and the murderous
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Middle Eastern anger at Israeli escalations", BBC News,
March 1, 2010
"Benjamin Netanyahu", Institute for Middle East
Understanding, September 29, 2008
Cummins, Chip, "Two Dubai Suspects Traveled to U.S." Wall
Street Journal, March 1, 2010
Feinberg, Diane and Kenneth, The Leadership of the General
Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America,
Washington D.C., November 8-10, 2009
Ford, Henry, "The Jewish Question in Current Testimony" (The
International Jew), Dearborn Independent, August 27, 1921
Gibbon, Edward, "The Conduct of the Roman Government towards
the Christians from the Reign of Nero to that of
Constantine", The History of the Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire, Strahan & Cadell, London, 1776
Kaylan, Melik, "Mossad Madness",, February 26,
Nahmias, Roee, "Dubai police to Mossad chief: Confess to
Mabhouh murder or issue denial", Ynet, February 27,
A government, of Israel, by Israel, and, for: Israel.
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light:
for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. The light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not. The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee light. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.